Monday, March 28, 2005

HKU TV:: Hasse's Vlog

Click here for film

Hasse van Nunen (samen met Marten van der Meulen, maar die zit niet bij ons op school dus ik weet niet of dat relevant is)
korte beschrijving: dit is mijn 1 minuut filmpje dat ik gemaakt heb samen met Marten van der Meulen die op het conservatorium in Den Haag zit.


Josh Leo said...

really high quality video! very crisp. I guess my only criticism (sorry) is that the intro is a bit long, but this is not a phenomenon unique to just your vlog. it is just not something that I am used to seeing. it is like opening credits for a television show, maybe it is something that all vloggers will have in the future.

ryanne said...

the intro was a bit long
cut it by two thirds.
the video is beautiful
did you shoot it?
if so, bravo.
the music made my head spin a bit.
great stuff